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3 - Way Communication

The Sandwich Generation Impact

Children can learn about family history when they spend time with grandparents - taking a walk, sharing a burger or driving in the car. Limit the outside interruptions and allow nature and time to work its magic (Kruse, 2012a).


Grandparents have time now to share hobbies, talents and crafts they enjoyed, such as sewing, crocheting and baking (Kruse, 2012a).​


Benefits for Children

Benefits for Grandparents

Grandparents can create special traditions with children, such as a certain place to walk that is only for them. It is an opportunity to relax together without all the parental responsibilities (Kruse, 2012b).


Playing specific board games or card games together. If the Grandparent is motivated - maybe even a video game that the child enjoys. Such activities allow for a special bond to develop without the middle generation involved (Kruse, 2012b).​

Family sanity is based on good communication. It is important to sit down as a family and talk about each other's needs, as well as, the needs of the family (Trenholm & Jensen, 2008). This is an opportunity to model healthy behavior for the children, and to teach the importance of respecting each person within the family unit. A married middle-age couple must communicate the need for their couple time as well (Trenholm & Jensen, 2008).

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